This is the third known cancelled Saints Row game, along with Saints Row: Money Shot and Saints Row: The Cooler.The test build is extremely glitchy with pre-working graphics and lacking texture pop-in. The game features open-world gameplay in a reduced Stilwater with limited character customization in the style of other Saints Row titles. The game was eventually scrapped after THQ and Volition reviewed a build of the game and felt that the game so far did not properly hold up to the quality of the series.

After realizing that the limitations of the platform would not allow for a complete port of the game, it was decided that it would be a new story, named Saints Row: The Fall, which was later changed to Saints Row Undercover. This game started as a port of Saints Row 2 by Mass Media Games and later Savage Entertainment, both external team outside of Volition. Ī playable version of the unfinished game has been released. Judging by an internal time stamp, it was likely compiled on September 3, 2009.This cancelled game was intended for release on the Sony PSP and starred an undercover cop joining the 3rd Street Saints under orders of Commissioner Bradshaw in order to stop a civil war inside the Saints that was tearing Stilwater apart. The released prototype is the last known build compiled prior to its cancellation. Renaming BOOT.BIN to EBOOT.BIN will allow most PSP systems to boot the game if the unit's custom firmware allows the use of 64MB of RAM, which is not available on PSP-1000 units. Unmodified, the prototype is unplayable on a real PSP with modern CFW, as the BOOT.BIN file is used and not the EBOOT.BIN one. It's rather unfinished though, with buggy physics and only one mission with a voice track.

After the game was discovered inside storage, the ISO was released by Volition themselves, except without radio music tracks, due to copyright issues. Originally slated to be a port of Saints Row 2, the game was eventually altered into its own entry, but developmental reasons caused it to be cancelled. Saints Row Undercover, previously titled Saints Row: The Fall and codenamed "Saints Row 2 PSP", is an unreleased PlayStation Portable entry in the series. Add info about the prototype, its features, and content not used within it.